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八下英语知识点汇总-An old man tried to move the mountains

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains


1. once upon a time = long long ago 从前

2. continue to do sth. 继续做某事(另一件事) continue doing sth. 继续做某事(同一件事)

3. make sth. happen 使某事发生

4. try to do sth. 试图、尽力做某事

5. the journey to sp. ……之旅   (近义词 "trip, travel, tour")

6. find one's way home 找到某人回家的路

7. a good way to solve the problem = a solution to the problem

8. a little bit silly 有点蠢

    a bit = a little bit = a little = kind of + 形容词

    a bit of = a little + 不可数名词

9. 一部名叫《美猴王》的电视节目 a TV program called/named the Monkey King

10. in the moonlight 在月光下

11. fall in love with 爱上……

12. the main character 主人公

13. at other times 在另外一些时候

14. a fairy tale 一个神话故事

15. come out (书、电影等)出版,出来,开花

16. turn...into 变成 = change...into...

17. become interested in (doing) sth. 对(做)……感兴趣

18. get lost 迷路 = be lost

19. the next day 第二天

20. leave sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事

21. lead sb. to sp. 把某人领到某地

22. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

23. send sb. to sp. 派某人去某地

24. hear sb doing 听到某人正在做某事

25. 把每件东西占为己有 keep everything for oneself

26. 面包屑 pieces of bread


1. remind 的用法

    remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起……      e.g. This book reminds me of my childhood.

    remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事     e.g. My mother always reminds me to come back early.

    remind + that从句               e.g. The story reminds me that we should be honest.

2. seem 意为“似乎;好像”用法:

1)主语 + seem +(to be) + 名词或形容词        e.g. Tom seems (to be)  a very clever boy.

2)主语 + seem to do sth       e.g. Mrs Green doesn't seem(或seems not) to like the idea.

3)It seems + that + 从句(其中it是形式主语,that引导主语从句)   e.g. It seems that Mr Brown will not come again.

3. 状语从句:时间状语从句(as soon as)、条件状语从句(unless)、结果状语从句(so...that)

    as soon as  一……就……

    unless “如果不,除非” = if not,引导条件状语从句,遵循主将从现原则

    so...that...   如此……以至于……(so + adj/adv. + that +句子)可与 too...to..., encough...to do 结构互换

     注意so...that...与such...that...区别:so强调adj./adv.   such强调名词

     so + adj + a/an + 名词 + that + 句子 = such + a/an +adj + 名词      such + adj + 名词复数/不可数名词 + that + 句子

     当adj为many/much/few/little时,用so即so many/much/little/few + 名词   “如此多/少的”

4. 区别:all & whole







           表示时间和季节时,可以互换。如:all day = the whole day

5. 感叹句的考点:

    (1)分清what和how (名词修饰用“what”;形副修饰要用“how”)

    (2)切记部分不可数,不加“a/an”在名前(weather, news, information, advice, bread)

       How + adj./adv (+主+谓) !           How + adj. + a/an + n单(+主+谓)!

       what + a/an + adj. + n单 (+主+谓)!      what + adj. + n复/不可数n. (+主+谓)!

6. be made of + 原材料(看得出)        be made from + 原材料(看不出)     由……制成

    be made in + 产地       产于……        be made by + 人       由……制造               be made into + 成品         制成……

7. “用……声音/语气”   in a ... voice

      voice, sound & noise 之辩


    (2)noise n.噪音 → noisy adj.吵闹的     指不悦耳的吵闹声如嘈杂声、噪音等 make noise制造噪音

    (3)sound ①n. 泛指人听到的任何声音     ②v. 听起来

8. marry  v. 嫁,娶 ---married  adj.已婚的 --- unmarried  adj.未婚的 --- marriage n.婚姻

    marry sb 嫁,娶某人 = get/be married to sb

    marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给……
