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八下英语知识点汇总-What is the matter?

Unit 1 What's the matter?


1.have a fever 发烧           have a cough 咳嗽           have a cold 受凉;感冒

   have a nosebleed 流鼻血     have a heart problem 有心脏病

   have a toothache 牙疼         have a  stomachache 胃疼

   have a sore back  背疼         have a sore throat 喉咙痛

2.have problems breathing 呼吸困难

3.talk too much 说的太多(too much修饰动词)

4.drink enough water 喝足够的水

5.lie down and rest 躺下来休息

6.hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶

7.see a dentist 看牙医        go to a doctor 看医生

8.get an X-ray 拍X光片

9. take one's temperature 量体温

10. go along 沿着……走

11. get off/on 下车/上车

12. get into/out of 进入/从……出来         get into trouble 陷入麻烦

13. be in control (of) 掌管;管理      be out of control(of) 失控

14. thanks to 多亏了

15. on the side of the road 在马路边

16. shout for help 大声呼叫

17. put some medicine on sth 在……上面敷药

18. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎

19. to one's surprise 使……惊讶

20. fall down 摔倒

21. without thinking twice 没多想 (without doing sth)

22. save a life 挽救生命     save money 存钱、省钱

23. put her head back 把她的头向后仰

24. in the same way 已同样的方式

25. make a decision 做出决定

26. because of 由于

27. feel sick 感到恶心

28. in a difficult situation 在困境中

29. take risk 冒险= take a risk                 take a risk of ...  冒……的风险

30. keep on doing sth 继续做某事

31. give up (doing) sth 放弃做某事

32. in time 及时  on time 准时

33. right away = at once 立刻

34. except(sb) to do 期待做某事

35. the importance of ……的重要性

36. cut off 切除


1. “怎么了?”(询问麻烦事或身体状况)

      △ What's the matter (with sb)? = What's the trouble (with sb)? = What's wrong (with sb)? = What's up? = What's your trouble/problem?

2. 表示“患某种病、……疼痛”

     1)have a + 疾病名称/身体部位-ache,  eg. have a cough

     2) have a sore + 身体部位           eg. have a sore back/throat

3. see sb do sth 看见某人做某事(强调全过程)

    see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(强调正在发生)


4. agree with sb 同意某人    agree to do 同意某人做某事    agree + that从句

5. have trouble/problem/diffculty in doing sth 做某事有困难

6. trouble用法:

    1)be in trouble 处于困境

    2) get (sb) into trouble (使某人)陷入困境

7. 词组辨析:used to do 过去常常      be used to doing 习惯于做

8. so...that+从句      如此……以至于

so that 为了,目的是  引导目的状语从句    eg. He works hard so that he can succeed

9. What's the meaning of ...? = What does ... mean?     ……的意思是什么?

10. 反身代词:myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, itself, ourself,yourself,themselves

      高频短语:by oneself 独自一人(=alone=on one's own)

                       enjoy oneself 玩的开心(=have fun = have a good time)

                       be oneself 做自己

                       dress oneself 自己穿衣服   teach oneself 自学

                       introduce oneself 自我介绍    help yourself/yourselves 随便吃

11. 说谎:lie-lied-lied-lying   躺:lie-lay-lain-lying  (tell a lie 说谎  lie作名词)


12. run out 用完;用尽

      run out of... 用完;用尽(主语是人,of后接物)
