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56. reddest最红的 → the most vividly coloured red 最鲜艳的红色

      get  most sun → facing the sun 获得阳光

      side → surfaces 一面

      the red is brighter 更亮的红色 → the most red pigment 最多红色素

原文:One is straightforward: on many trees, the leaves that are the reddest are those on the side of the tree which gets most sun. Not only that, but the red is brighter on the upper side of the leaf.

题目:The most vivdly coloured red leaves are found on the side of the tree facing the sun.

题目:The upper sufaces of leaves contain the most red pigment.

---剑10 T3 P2

57. intense → most abundant

原文:It has also been recognised for decades that the best conditions for intense red colours are dry, sunny days and cool nights, conditions that nicely match those that make leaves susceptible(易受影响的) to excess(过量的)light.

题目:Red leaves are most abundant when daytime weather conditions are dry and sunny.

---剑10 T3 P2

58. came to light → uncovered 被发现

     only by chance → accidentally 偶然

      derelict → abandoned 废弃的

原文:A 3000-year-old burial ground of a seafaring people called the Lapita has been found on an abandoned plantation on the Pacific island of Efate. The cemetery(墓地), which is a significant archaeological disconvery, was uncovered accidentally by an agriculturanl worker.

题目:The site came to light only by chance. An agricultural worker, digging in the grounds of a derelict plantation, scraped(挖开) open a grave.

---剑10 T3 P3

59. livestock → animals 牲畜

原文:They were also pioneers who carried with them everything they would need to build new lives - their livestock, taro-seedlings(芋头苗) and stone tools.

题目:They  took many things with them on their voyages including animals and tools.

---剑10 T3 P3

60. remain → bones 遗骸

原文:It  is the oldest cemetery ever found in the Pacific islands, and it harbors the remains of an ancient people archaeologists call the Lapita.

题目:Spriggs believes the burial urn which was found at the site is very important since it confirms that the bones found inside are Lapita.

---剑10 T3 P3

61. out of sight of land → beyond the point where land was visible 超过陆地可见范围

      distinguished 区别 →extraordinary 独特的

原文:The real adventure didn't begin, however, until their Lapita descendants(后代) sailed out of sight of land, with empty horizons on every side. This must have been as difficult for them as landing on the moon is for us today. Certainly it distinguished them from their ancestor.

题目:What was extraordinary about the Lapita? They sailed beyond the point where land was visible.

---剑10 T3 P3

62. sailing against the wind → sail into a prevailing wind 逆风航行

原文:the Lapita had mastered the advanced art of sailing against the wind. But nobody has any idea what their canoes(皮筏艇) looked like or how they were rigged(安装).

题目:It is now clear that the Lapita could sail into a prevailing wind.

---剑10 T3 P3

63. called it quits 放弃 → halted停止

      for reasons known only to them → unclear 不知原因

原文:However they did it, the Lapita spread themselves a third of the way across the Pacific, then called it quits for reasons known only to them. They probably never numbered more than a few thousand in total, and in their rapid migration eastward the encountered hundreds of islands.

题目:It remains unclear why the Lapita halted their expansion across the Pacific.

---剑10 T3 P3

64. erratically 不稳定地 → unpredictably 不可预测地

原文:The wildfires themselves, experts say, are in generally hotter, faster, and spread more erratically than in the past.

题目:movement: ______more unpredictably.

65. precipitation → rainfall 降雨

      normal 正常 → average 平均

原文:One explanation for the trend to more superhot fires is that the region, which usually has dry summers, has had significantly below normal precipitation in many recent years.

题目:rainfall: _____average

---剑10 T4P1

66. increased construction → more building

原文:Third is increased construction of homes in wooded areas.

题目:more building of ____ in vulnerable(脆弱的,易受伤的) places.

---剑10 T4P1

67. longer 更长的 → extended 延长的

原文:Second is fire seasons that on average are 78 days longer than they were 20 years ago.

题目:extend fire ____

---剑10 T4P1

68. a decade → last 10 years 十年

原文:In California, where population growth has averaged more than 600,000 a year for at least a decade, more residential(适合居住的) housing is being built.

题目:The amount of open space in California has diminished over the last ten years.

---剑10 T4P1

69. a person's character → personality 个性

     cannot → impossible 不能

     determined → fixed 确定的

原文:Psychologists have long held that a person's character cannot undergo(经历) a transformation in any meaningful way and that the key traits(个性,特征) of personality are determined at a very young age.

题目:Psychologists have traditionally believed that a personality transformation was impossible and that by a young age, a person's character tends to be fixed.

---剑10 T4P2

70. less challenging 更少的挑战 → the easiest 更容易

      develop 发展 → acquire 获得

      a range of → a wide variety of 一系列

      diverse 多样的 → different 不同的

原文:Some qualities are less challenging to develop than others, optimism being one of them. However, developing qualities requires mastering a range of skills which are diverse and some-times surprising.

题目:One of the easiest qualities to acquire is optimism. However, regardless of the quality, it is necessary to learn a wide variety of different skills in order for a new quality to develop.

71. experiencing 经历 → feel 感受

      joy and passion → happiness 喜悦

题目:For example, to bring more joy and passion into your life, you must be open to experiencing negative emotions.

原文:For example, a person must understand and feel some negative emotions in order to increase their happiness.
